Contact Bobby for directions, see address below

*Meetings are held on the second Monday of March, June, September, and December at 6:00 P.M.  at the following address:

At Bobby and Maria's

Southern Maryland Corvette Club
P.O. Box 1618
California Md.   20619-9997

For more Information please contact:

Bobby Padgett at

 Or Mail us at:

Welcome, and thanks for stopping by!

Join a club that connects the past, present and future of our beloved Corvettes. Founded in 2001 the Southern Maryland Corvette Club, like many others, was formed by a small group of Corvette enthusiasts who wished to share their common interest - mostly cars and food. Our mission is to provide a venue for members to make new friends, exchange ideas and have some fun. In general we strive to enhance the Corvette ownership experience.

  1. Own or have an interest in Corvettes.
  2. Submit a completed application.
  3. Attend a meeting* - we want to welcome you!
  4. Pay your dues ($25.00 per annum per person).